Live @ City Lights II, Trenton, NJ, Dec 14, 1995

Set 1

Num Title Writer MP3 Sheet music
1. My Street Jim Robertson [not available] [not available]
2. Instrumental E Anthony Marchese, Jim Robertson [not available] [PDF file]
3. Hazel Eyes Jim Robertson [not available] [PDF file]
4. American Girl Tom Petty [not available] [not available
5. Monkey Gone To Heaven Pixies [not available] [not available]
6. Lorain Anthony Marchese [not available] [PDF file]
7. Paint It, Black Stones [not available] [not available]
8. Sorry Somehow Husker Du [not available] [not available]
9. QWERTY Jim Robertson [not available] [PDF file]
10. Pearl / Tokyo Salsa Jim Robertson [not available] [PDF file]

Set 2

Num Title Writer MP3 Sheet music
11. Taxman Beatles [not available] [not available
12. Leaving New England Anthony Marchese [not available] [PDF file]
13. Large Bird Jim Robertson [not available] [not available]
14. Driver 8 R.E.M. [not available] [not available]
15. Verdict: Guilty (inst.) Anthony Marchese [not available] [not available]
16. Garden State Building Jim Robertson [not available] [PDF file]
17. Roseland Anthony Marchese [not available] [not available]
18. Dead American Heroes Jim Robertson [not available] [PDF file]
19. Don't Let Me Down (audible) Beatles [not available] [not available]
20. Don't Pass Me By Beatles [not available] [not available]
21. Alone Live [not available] [not available]
22. Pump it Up Elvis Costello [not available] [not available

Set 3

Num Title Writer MP3 Sheet music
23. Message in a Bottle (with Jokko) Police [not available] [not available]


Album notes

No recording was made of this gig.

Drummer Aaron got the gig. I think he promised the booker that'd we'd bring in lots of Trenton State College girls. The only "girls" I remember seeing were our wives and two tired Trenton hookers escaping the cold hard streets of Trenton.

Plus, some sad Trenton forklift drivers on a cold Thursday night. Rosko was in heaven.

We figured we could drink for free, and the pitchers of Yuengling started. First set: not bad. Second? Ouch. Third -- an abortion.

In 2015 Jim made this digital archive of whatever info he had on this gig.

Aaron has confirmed the "Jokko" mentioned below was, in fact, Aalok Mehta.


As usual, the boys broke it all down via email in the days after the gig. Here are their email exchanges. An attempt has been made to preserve the original style.