Jim Robertson

Albums & Recordings

sundays, holidays, and other days

Sundays, Holidays, and Other Days (1991)

Debut cassette under the nom de plume Lone Squirrel in 1991 as Jim was starting to take up music again after graduating college.

songs and shovels

Songs and Shovels (1993)

This sophomore effort was released in 1993. It completed the release of all the songs of the Tallahassee Years.

pulaski skylines

Pulaski Skylines (1996)

Released in 1996. At the time, the most fully-realized of Jim's albums, with much-improved recording quality and the broad strokes of a thematic concept.

flea of the year

Flea of the Year (EP) (2020)

Many years in the making. Life got in the way, but here are some more demos from the mind, soul, and bowels of Jim Robertson.


Jim started writing songs in 1984 with Brave New Squirrel. In 1991, he bought a Yamaha MT-100 4-track cassette recorder and started making demo tapes of his songs.

In 2004, he bought ProTools and started recording his demos digitally.

The first three "albums" were converted from cassette tapes to digital files between 2010 and 2017.

In 1996, Jim put all the sheet music to the first 3 albums into a songbook -- Latitudes and Longitudes.

In many ways, Jim considers this a musical diary of sorts: where he was and what he was thinking when he wrote and recorded these songs.